Whoever you are and whoever you love, whatever your faith or the flags of your heritage, whatever your age, resources or abilities, you are welcome at Northlake!

We offer a multi-platform service every Sunday at 10:30 am. You may choose to attend in-person at our sanctuary in Kirkland, or to attend online on Zoom.

Click each tab below to learn more about aspects of Sunday services at Northlake:

You are always welcome to attend the in-person Sunday service. No registration required.

Learn how to find us with this information about Location, Parking and Transit. Our Sanctuary main entrance is located on 4th Ave, under the covered portion of the front deck.

Greeters will welcome you when you walk through our doors. Arriving 10 minutes early will give you time to orient yourself to our facilities, and get settled.

Please let us know if any accommodations would help you to feel more included and comfortable during our Sunday worship services. Ushers can help you consider seating options that meet accessibility or neurodivergent needs, provide optional personal audio enhancement devices, and help you connect with Sunday religious education programs for families.

Check out the “service” tab on this page to learn more about what to expect.

Sunday Service at Northlake Unitarian Universalist Church

To prepare for attending your first Sunday service online take these steps:

Plan to join the service 5 minutes early – this will give you time to adjust settings or troubleshoot any issues

During the 5 – 10 minutes before the service, church members are gathered and talking casually. You are welcome to join the conversation, or listen in quietly. We have an online greeter watching for new names and faces, who may send a chat message to say hello or invite you to join in. Our Sunday services are hybrid to be inclusive of all!

We encourage all new online visitors to join with camera on, so we can see your face, and label your image with your real name. Although we do understand that some people would prefer to observe anonymously, there have been incidents of people visiting online church services with the goal of being offensive. Seeing a new visitor’s name and face reassures us that you intend to participate positively in this space.

While all are welcome to join up to 15 minutes early for greetings and informal conversation, the official Sunday service begins by 10:30 am.

Elements of a typical Northlake Sunday morning worship service include:

  • Words of welcome (On Zoom, we’ll share an invitation to complete a new visitor survey so we can also reach out after the service.)
  • Lighting a flaming chalice, the symbol of our faith
  • A multigenerational segment, such as a “story for all ages”
  • An offering, collecting financial donations for the congregation and for justice work in the community
  • Music, both instrumental and vocal and in a variety of styles (we encourage online attendees to sing along at home, with their mics muted)
  • A time for lifting up the joys and concerns of the congregation (In person attendees may light candles, online attendees can type into chat)
  • A meditation or prayer
  • Readings—ancient or contemporary
  • A sermon given by a professional minister, a guest speaker, or a member of the congregation
  • Announcements of upcoming events in our community

From time to time, worships incorporate holiday celebrations, multigenerational plays and pageants, longer musical performances, and coming-of-age ceremonies.

Northlake services end around 11:30 am. All are invited to stay after the service for more informal conversation.

This video offers a sample of a reading and sermon at Northlake. You can also find audio recordings from our services on our podcast.

After the service ends many linger to enjoy informal conversation and reflective discussion about the service.

Online attendees can remain on Zoom after final announcements to engage in conversation about the events of their week, get to know each other better, or reflect on the content of the service.

Those attending in person may chat in the Sanctuary or lobby, outside on the front porch,  in Adams Hall downstairs, or on the playground. Sunday services are occasionally followed by a town hall meeting where important community updates or business of Northlake is presented and questions are taken from members and friends. Town hall meetings are open to non-members including visitors.

coffee cup on a wood top table

Worship services at Northlake are for everyone! Children and youth are always welcome to join adult family members in the main worship service, in person or online.

Music and stories featured in Sunday services are appropriate for people of all ages! On most Sundays, we invite children to come downstairs or outside to the playground for religious education or for time to play and get to know one another. Multigenerational services, typically held on the second Sunday of the month, involve all children and youth in storytelling, performing music, or acting in skits.

To learn more about current offerings, look here, or contact our Director of Lifespan Religious Education at [email protected].

In order to reduce the spread of illness, we encourage anyone experiencing symptoms to attend on Zoom rather than in person. In the sanctuary, we do open windows and run a whole building ventilation system during services. Masks are welcome, for anyone who chooses to wear one. Northlake does have many members who are at higher risk for complications from Covid and the flu. So we also recommend that members, friends, and visitors consider all vaccines for which they are eligible.