Offering & Share the Plate

From our Sunday offering, via donation baskets at in-person services, or via PayPal for online services, we Share the Plate – donating the first $1000 in undesignated funds each month to a charity outside our congregation.

Click the Donate button below to contribute via PayPal. Choose your donation purpose within the drop-down options in PayPal. Every gift is gratefully received.

Annual Pledge

Northlake receives the majority of its income from gifts pledged by our members. Our finance team creates an operating budget based on the results of our annual stewardship drive. Contact our stewardship team about giving to the annual drive or initiating automatic recurring pledge payments at any time.

To offer our gifts and pay our promised pledges is to say to ourselves and the world that we are defined by our hearts and our deeper values.

Planned Giving

You can name Northlake as a beneficiary in your will, or on retirement accounts or life insurance policies. Northlake maintains an endowment fund and reserve accounts funded by the generous gifts of our community.


Northlake leadership, various groups, and committees on occasion will organize a special drive, fundraising event, or other opportunities to support a specific program, goal, or cause. Look for special invitations to participate in our weekly announcements and consider contributing your time, talent, and treasure in any way you are able to sustain the mission of Northlake.