Tag: sermon

The Ebb and the Flow – Rev. Jim VanderWeele

Do you have good times and times that are not so good? Are there forces that sometimes lead you to think you are caught in a muddle? Or, a puddle? You are not alone. Many people fail to live up to their ideals. Let us explore the relevance of this unsteadiness for ourselves and also for others. Speaker: Jim VanderWeele, Northlake’s interim minister

When We Make Mistakes – Rev. Jim VanderWeele

Personal and cultural (collusional) mistakes often lead people toward troubled times. Rev. Jim lifts up a practical guide to inner freedom found in The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. It offers a skill set for anyone and everyone who are still seeking a better life than they have. Welcome to a relationally oriented message on healing, a service to be followed by three Adult RE classes on The Four Agreements.

Healing – It Takes Work – Rev. Jim VanderWeele

In a spiritually oriented message on healing, we look at potential revisions to our approach to our bodies, our minds, our health, and our community through a commentary on texts, poems, and stories. Speaker: Jim VanderWeele, Northlake’s interim minister.

When the Waters Rise – Rev. Jim VanderWeele

You have seen photos of Hurricane Harvey’s waters and, in many cases, felt the undercurrent of angst or obstructions. On a Sunday where Northlake takes an offering for the UUA/UUSC Hurricane Harvey Recovery Fund we will look together at a special tool that can help calm our inner spirits. Speaker: Jim VanderWeele, Northlake’s interim minister

Live Loving, Love Living – Rev. Jim VanderWeele

Reverend Jim enters the Northlake pulpit with a story about himself and his ministry as viewed through his once-in-a-lifetime visit to the academy where Rumi taught poetry, philosophy, and twirling–now known as Rumi’s tomb. Come, come, whoever you are to an hour of worship and awe. Speaker: Rev. Jim VanderWeele, Northlake’s interim minister

Inspiring Awe – Crystal Zerfoss

A shooting star careening across the night sky. A sincere religious conviction stirring truth deep within your soul. A newfound scientific discovery answering age-old questions about our natural world. Join us on a journey of inspiration as we explore the awe and wonder that moves us in our questioning and grounds us in our knowing. Speaker: Crystal Zerfoss, UU Ministerial Intern

Living Joyously – Crystal Zerfoss

The theme for July is Joy. Our lives are filled with so many tasks and responsibilities, thoughts and feelings, activities, concerns, and sleep. How do we seek out joy in our lives? How do we take time to sink into the feelings of joy when they arise? Join us as we explore the ways in which joy strengthens, enlivens, and moves us to be fully human. Speaker: Ministerial Intern, Crystal Zerfoss