Rituals & Transitions
Rituals are practices that make everyday experiences sacred. This service will focus on how we create meaning in our lives, and as part of this we will have several rituals … Continue reading Rituals & Transitions
Rituals are practices that make everyday experiences sacred. This service will focus on how we create meaning in our lives, and as part of this we will have several rituals … Continue reading Rituals & Transitions
Join us for Wild Church followed by a potluck brunch at OO Denny Park where we have reserved the picnic shelter for the morning. We will begin with time together … Continue reading Memorial Day Service: Wild Church
Image by Emeric Deroubaixon Unsplash
Image by Emeric Deroubaix on Unsplash
We come to church with great hopes of what we can do and who we will be in the world. So often, instead, we become side tracked by the projects … Continue reading Living Into Our Dreamings
As we come close to Earth Day we will reflect on our 7th Principle that affirm there is an interconnection between all things on this earth. We will celebrate this … Continue reading Interdependence: Our Seventh Principle
Flower Communion is one of the UU “Holy Days”. It honors spring, growth and new life. Join us as we share this ritual together, and be sure to have a … Continue reading Flower Communion & Easter