Tag: Unitarian Universalist

A Free and Voluntary Faith – Nancy Reid-McKee

Opens with a reading from A Drop in the Bucket by Gordan McKeeman, then our choir sings There is a Love, then Nancy speaks in honor of Volunteer Recognition Sunday. “Church is run by those who find meaning and community in volunteer association with others. This type of activity can create unexpected connection within and between ourselves. Today we will talk about why we volunteer, and then honor those who give themselves to the work of this church community.”

Lingering in Thresholds – Nancy Reid McKee

Opens with a reading of “Thresholds” by Arlen Goff. Then Rev. Nancy reflects on: How do you move through doors? Have you ever pondered this question? Thresholds and doors are very symbolic about how we move through life and how we enter new times in our life. This week’s sermon will focus on how we deal with the in-between moments of our lives that can offer the most insight and growth potential.

Earth Day Celebration

An Earth Day celebration developed by our Climate Action Team (CAT). John P reads “Earth” written By Rev. Mark L. Belletini. A video created by CAT members, sharing something they have committed to doing in light of the current climate crisis. Piano – For the Beauty of the Earth. Video on carbon footprint by Des. A Guided Meditation from Nancy. Greg Smith reads A Prayer of Healing, written by The United Nations Environmental Sabbath Program. Podcast ends with Blue Boat Home performed by our choir.

Air Communion – Nancy Reid-McKee

Air, one of the four elements, is the only one we can’t actually see. But we sense it with our eyes, hearing and touch. We will explore the ways we know air, and then as a communion together we will take a collective breath, honoring this essential element of life. Includes readings from John Fire Lame Deer, Gail Forsyth-Vail, Richard Gilbert, Lewis Latimer, David Abrams, and Lyall Watson, and concludes with Maria playing Prelude in D flat op. 43 no. 1 by R. Glier.

Theologies that Fit – Nancy Reid-McKee

Recording opens with a prayer reflecting on the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. This is followed by a reading from Ivone Gebara in Longing For Running Water. Then Rev. Nancy:”Many of us have rejected the theology of God we were raised with. For some, this has left us without a theology and without religious language. We explore theologies that may offer a new way to move into our religious home with intellectual engagement.”

Coming Home

Begins with song “Let Your Little Light Shine”. The Time for All Ages was about Creating a Home. Hymn: Return Again. Sermon on Coming Home – synopsis: “Our theme for the year is Our House of Belonging, and we will begin by welcoming you home to Northlake after a summer of wanderings. Which leads to the questions…what makes a place home? Where do you belong, and when we ultimately are alone with ourselves in life, what makes us feel a sense of belonging?” Ends with song: Love Come and Be with Me.

Riot is the Language of the Unheard

Time For All Ages: “Why Are There Protests?” Prayer from Rev. Joan Javier-Duval. Reading: “Love Is Calling” from Jess Reynolds. Reflection/Sermon: Riot is the Language of the Unheard by Rev. Nancy Reid-McKee – “What is it that America has failed to hear? We will explore the message we need to attend to. We will reflect on our response that shifts the focus from our fear and discomfort and centers on what and who have been silenced.”