Whose Side Are You On?
The lyrics of this song written by Florence Reece have lived on for 90 years, fueling movements for labor justice and beyond. How do we, as Unitarian Universalists who believe … Continue reading Whose Side Are You On?
Rev. Ranwa Hammamy (they/she) is a Unitarian Universalist-Muslim minister, with a commitment to serving at the intersection of pastoral & prophetic community ministries. They serve on the UUA’s Side With Love Organizing Strategy Team as the Congregational Justice Organizer. Ranwa has also previously served as Director of the UU Justice Ministry of California and on the Steering Committee of DRUUMM (Diverse & Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries), a national organization for UU People of Color.
The lyrics of this song written by Florence Reece have lived on for 90 years, fueling movements for labor justice and beyond. How do we, as Unitarian Universalists who believe … Continue reading Whose Side Are You On?