Participate in a group to connect with others over shared interests! Check the weekly announcements currently posted, or email [email protected] to stay up to date with group meeting times and special events.
Groups and Activities
The Northlake BIPOC affinity group is open to members identifying as people of color and centers their voice and experience. This is a space where BIPOC members can build connections and begin conversations; create empowerment and affirmation; and share our stories, experiences, and resources. This group’s work evolves with its members’ needs and passions. The BIPOC affinity group typically meets every other month on a mutually agreeable date, after Sunday service.
Please email Ellie P at [email protected] for more information.
The Book Group’s purpose is to enrich each participant’s experience through monthly open-ended book discussions. These discussions reinforce participants’ commitment to their values. The group is open to Northlake members and friends, who want to read more
about a wide range of issues.
All book choices are made democratically. Members recommend books at the
annual meeting, and may be asked to lead the discussion for the book they recommended.
For more information, please email Susan T at [email protected]
The Camping and Hiking Group hosts an annual campout, usually over Labor Day Weekend, at one of the wonderful state parks in Washington.
The campouts include campfires with singing and marshmallows, a group potluck meal, and outings that could be up a mountain or to a local cidery or local nursery. Or, you can sit by (or in) the river and read a book. Kids get to be kids and sometimes get into the wackiest adventures!
We really enjoy Dosewallips State Park and South Whidbey State Park, and we’ve tried various others as well. If you are in need of equipment to join in the fun, let us know.
Many Northlakers also attend family camps at Eliot Institute at the Seabeck Conference Center, or travel to Kootenay Lake in Canada for Wilderness Camping.
Facilitator: Cyndy J.
Worship services feature a wide range of musical experiences including singing together, listening to live performances from talented musicians, and enjoying diverse multimedia recordings.
Music is central to the worship experience at Northlake, and the choir is a key part of the music program. Our all-volunteer Creating Loving Community-Connections choir has a long history of great performances, from classical to contemporary, spirituals, folk, world music, and occasional jazz or Broadway, as well as traditional and UU hymns. We are mostly adults, with occasional middle- or high schoolers. We learn and practice together during rehearsal and by ourselves at home. We welcome new and returning singers; if you can hum, you can probably sing. If you can read music, it helps, but is not required if you can learn by listening. And it’s not all work, we love to socialize as well. The choir rehearses most Sundays after the service, taking summer months off, and performs at Sunday services about twice a month, and at “Music Sunday” services twice a year.
For more information about the choir or to join, please contact Music Team Chair Diane S. at [email protected]
The chronic pain group is a safe space for community healing, heartfelt sharing, thoughtful discussion, and support for coping with difficulties. For each session we meet virtually in the form of a healing circle, creating a safe haven and non-judgmental environment for building community, and for sharing what is on our minds and hearts. As a group we support each other in alleviating suffering, and in collective healing. The group meets weekly at 11 a.m. on Tuesdays.
For more information and for a zoom link, please contact [email protected]
Coffee and Collaboration is a weekly gathering of people on the Northlake campus, an opportunity to share conversation while working on small projects supporting Northlake activities. Most weeks offer a choice of seated work and active projects. We meet from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. on Fridays, in Northlake’s main building.
Contact Margaret at [email protected] for more information.
The Creative Circle’s mission is: “To create, promote and support art and beauty within the Northlake community.”
The Creative Circle is a diverse and welcoming group. Originally founded in 2001 as the Northlake Seamsters Union, it was later re-imagined as the Seamsters Creative Union, and was most recently re-named the Creative Circle.
While many members sew, others are writers, weavers, potters, painters, paper artists, jewelry makers, knitters, and crocheters, while others create in other ways. Some members are total novices who come with many questions, while others have been developing their gifts for many years.
Our monthly gatherings include spirited interactions, as we play with and share our current projects. We “talk business” during a brown-bag lunch, and usually include people by Zoom who can’t join in person. In addition, the group takes two annual retreats. Our October retreat is at Seabeck, and the January retreat is in La Conner.
The Creative Circle has sponsored quilt raffles, sanctuary art shows, and holiday craft fairs. The proceeds have funded purchases of a variety of items for Northlake including our pulpit, choir stoles, sanctuary lighting, new front doors, hearing impaired listening devices, and more!
For more information and to get on the mailing list, please contact Mary D F at [email protected].
Eastside Insight Meditation is a well-established meditation group that has
been practicing together for 24 years. Eastside Insight is affiliated with Seattle
Insight Meditation Society.
Eastside Insight Meditation is a well-established meditation group that has
been practicing together for 24 years. Eastside Insight is affiliated with Seattle Insight Meditation Society.
We gather at 7 p.m. on 1st and 3rd Thursdays, hybrid via Zoom and physically in the Northlake Chapel, to meditate together and to build spiritual community. Like many Buddhist groups in UU churches around the U.S., we discuss meditation, Buddhist teachings, and how to bring those principles into daily life and into civic engagement.
The people who gather are a combination of Northlake members and people from the larger Eastside community. While some participants are long-time meditators, new people often join and are always welcome.
The group practices mindfulness, also called insight meditation. This is a style of moment-by-moment mindfulness, which helps us see clearly the nature of things, and the nature of ourselves.
Please contact Steve Wilhelm at [email protected] for more information.
The Meaningful Movies Project is a non-profit organization that helps neighborhoods, groups and individuals organize, educate and advocate, using the power of social justice documentary films, and conversation, to build positive and meaningful community.
Each month, Northlake hosts a film screening followed by a facilitated discussion. Events are always free and open to everyone – donations gratefully accepted. Please join us!
Please email [email protected], to receive reminder emails.
The Northlake Men’s Group promotes friendship, encourages community, and provides support for the men of the Northlake community, in accordance with Unitarian principles and values.
- Meetings occur on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., unless otherwise specified.
- We meet at Northlake, via Zoom, or a member’s home.
- We start with breakfast (either provided or ‘bring your own’), followed by check-ins and then a discussion topic.
All personal stories and matters shared at meetings are private and confidential, unless otherwise noted. All participants pledge to uphold and respect confidentiality.
In addition to the regular meetings, we hold an annual Men’s Group Retreat. Led by group members, the retreat covers a wide range of topics, and provides an opportunity to deepen connections and friendships.
The facilitator is Steve R. For more information about the Men’s Group, attending the meetings, and joining the mailing list, please contact Steve at [email protected].
The NUUC Multigenerational Orchestra focuses on engaging youth, as well as interested adults, to together use our musical talents to perform a variety of music types at Sunday services and other events.
Our primary goal is to create musical experiences that are fun, joyful, and meaningful for participants, and for our congregation. We hope these experiences will foster short-term and long-term connections with each other, and with our greater church community.
Contact Melissa Ahern at [email protected] if you have any questions, or to receive registration information.
The Northlake Women’s Group welcomes all who are interested in women’s issues. Currently we are focusing on the following issues: race discrimination including institutional racism, gender discrimination, other social justice issues, interpersonal connection and well-being, healthy families and healthy societies, and healthy environment.
We meet monthly to spend time together, and to engage in presentations, discussions, and other events such as museum visits. We also participate in nature, through activities including birding and nature walks.
We send out meeting times and agendas at least three weeks before meetings. Often we meet at Northlake, usually at 6:30 p.m. on fourth Mondays. However in the wintertime we often schedule daytime events such as museum visits on Saturdays, so people don’t have to drive to Northlake in the dark and cold.
Currently the following people are on the steering committee: Melissa Ahern, coordinator; Connie Spearing, Mary Ellen Rundell, and Diane DeWitt, co-coordinators. For more information please contact [email protected]. We welcome all members and friends of Northlake, as well as guests.
Email [email protected] to sign up for the weekly announcements including meeting details. We hope you will join us!
The Northlake Walk and Talk group gathers twice weekly to briskly walk through Kirkland, while we engage in lively conversation. We meet at 9:55 a.m. Mondays and Thursdays, in front of Thruline Coffee on Park Lane in downtown Kirkland, and set off walking promptly at 10 a.m. Free parking is available beneath the Kirkland Library. All are welcome!
Please contact Melissa Ahern at [email protected].