We are brave, curious, and compassionate thinkers and doers. We are diverse in faith, ethnicity, history and spirituality, but aligned in our desire to make a difference for the good. We have a track record of standing on the side of love, justice, and peace.

We need not think alike to love alike. We are people of many beliefs and backgrounds: people with a religious background, people with none, people who believe in a God, people who don’t, and people who let the mystery be. We are Unitarian Universalist and BuddhistChristianHinduHumanist, JewishMuslimPaganatheist and agnosticbelievers in God, and more.

On the forefront of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer inclusion for more than 40 years, we are people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We welcome you: your whole self, with all your truths and your doubts, your worries and your hopes. Join us on this extraordinary adventure of faith.

Unitarian Universalists have radical roots and a history as self-motivated spiritual people: we think for ourselves and recognize that life experience influences our beliefs more than anything.

Relationships at Northlake are grounded in the covenant we make as members committed to remaining in right relation with each other.


As individual people working together to form an inclusive, joyful, and sacred community, we commit to this covenant:

  • We will offer acceptance and support to all, giving and receiving with grace and gratitude.
  • We will listen with compassion and speak with honesty and respect.
  • We will acknowledge our feelings and take responsibility for the impact of our actions.
  • We will welcome the open-hearted exchange of perspectives while respecting personal boundaries.
  • We will address conflicts directly, give the benefit of the doubt, and forgive ourselves and each other.

By honoring these commitments, we foster an empowered Northlake community, promoting love, equity, and justice in the world.