Contribute your time and talents to serve our community and connect with others while doing meaningful work to further the mission and vision of this church. It takes many hands to operate as a beacon for love and justice.

Committees carry out the work related to GOVERNANCE aspects of Northlake. Email a committee directly to learn more about tasks that you may enjoy, timelines that work with your schedule, or opportunities to grow into a leadership role. Alternatively, share a description of skills you would like to offer in an email to [email protected] to match your skill set with a current need.

The Communications Committee is one of our five standing committees. Members of the Communications Committee consider all of the ways that we promote Northlake’s offerings and share information within our congregation and the larger community. No professional experience is required, we welcome volunteers with experience in web design, social media management, graphic design, or a passion for communicating who we are and what we do at Northlake.

Email: [email protected]

The Facilities Committee is one of our five standing committees. Assist with building maintenance and improvement, deep cleaning projects, gardening and other grounds work. Our diversely skilled group works on tasks ranging from more technical electrical and plumbing projects to simple things like changing out light bulbs.

We organize larger efforts that include the broader congregation on a yearly or semi-yearly basis, like our annual Spring Cleaning event, and targeted grounds improvement projects. We also identify opportunities to improve the safety, efficiency, and general appearance of our buildings and campus through more focused efforts, as resources permit.

Email: [email protected]

The Finance Committee is one of our five standing committees. Share your knowledge or passion for managing finances to create stability that allows us to operate and live our mission generation after generation.

Finance proactively plans for future costs and develops the annual planning budget based on the results of our annual stewardship drive. We cultivate an attitude of abundance through giving what we can and receiving what we need to keep the beacon for love and justice lit at Northlake.

Email: [email protected]

The Governance Committee is one of our five standing committee and is leading the effort to update Northlake’s governance structure and bylaws. They are working to ensure all committees and teams have a set of clear policies and procedures that can be used for Northlake’s posterity.

Email: [email protected]

The Stewardship Subcommittee is a part of our Finance Committee. Stewardship is a year-round effort to illuminate the reasons we commit to financially support Northlake. This effort culminates in a celebration of our community attitude of abundance each spring when the annual stewardship drive concludes. The Stewardship team draws upon a diverse group of volunteers blending skills and talents to design and execute the canvass campaign for the annual operating budget.

Our stewardship focus is three-fold:

  • to encourage conversations amongst members and friends focused on what Northlake means to each
  • to inspire deeper thinking about how they can contribute their time, talent, and treasure to sustaining Northlake
  • to urge giving in keeping with our deeper values

No experience is required to participate in stewardship at Northlake. However, if you have fundraising experience or a love for financial planning and giving please consider offering any time you can to the Stewardship Team. With full participation from our community we ensure the long-term financial stability of our organization so that Northlake can do more to live our mission and vision year after year.

Email: [email protected]

The mission of the Rentals Subcommittee is to plan, organize and manage non-church use of the Northlake facilities by organizations, members and non-members to support the mission of the church. Rentals Team works closely with our Facilities Coordinator, Facilities Committee, and Finance Committee.

Please consider offering your time and experience to help set rental policy and oversee the management of our long and short term tenants. Rentals team members strive to cultivate positive relationships with tenants that are closely aligned with Northlake’s mission and vision.

Email: [email protected]

The Endowment subcommittee is a part of our Facilities Committee and is responsible for building our endowment funds, and ultimately to generate significant income for the congregation. We accomplish this through encouraging unrestricted bequests to the church and administering and stewarding the funds received for our endowment.

The activities of the committee include:


  • building awareness of the endowment within the congregation
  • soliciting bequests to the church for the endowment
  • handling the investment logistics with our funds at the UUA
  • tracking and reporting to the Board of Trustees the value of the endowment funds
  • handling the administration of the memorial tree in the Sanctuary
  • Recommending endowment policies to the Board for approval

The Safe and Secure subcommittee is a part of our Facilities committee at Northlake. The SSC reviews and makes recommendations on all aspects of safety and security for Northlake. We organize regular emergency drills such as evacuating building occupants in case of a fire, evaluate conditions such as campus lighting, maintain security cameras, and identify areas of improvement to keep our campus a safe and welcoming place for all.

Email:  [email protected]

The Committee on Ministry (COM) monitors and nurture the covenantal relationship between the congregation and minister.  COM works with our minister to provide structure, support, discernment, and periodic evaluations for the ministerial teams, groups, and task forces.  Their collaboration ensure Northlake’s ministerial activities are aligned with the church mission and vision. COM members need to have been Northlake members for at least one year.

[email protected]